since I knew you I began
a great truth to understand
cause love is some more
than a kiss every night
or saying sweet words
while we are holding hands
you proved me with your love
that true love is something more
only you make me feel fine
I'm so happy cause you're mine
since our love began
life is better than death
and flowers and birds
a great being reason have
you proved me with your love
that true love is something more
since I knew you I began
a great truth to understand
cause love is some more
than a kiss every night
or saying sweet words
while we are holding hands
you proved me with your love
that true love is something more
a great truth to understand
cause love is some more
than a kiss every night
or saying sweet words
while we are holding hands
you proved me with your love
that true love is something more
only you make me feel fine
I'm so happy cause you're mine
since our love began
life is better than death
and flowers and birds
a great being reason have
you proved me with your love
that true love is something more
since I knew you I began
a great truth to understand
cause love is some more
than a kiss every night
or saying sweet words
while we are holding hands
you proved me with your love
that true love is something more