
Be the Change Lyrics

If you saw a child fall into a river
Would you turn away, or come to the rescue
So, how many miles away must we be before
We can pretend thereʼs nothing we can do
Be the change, be the change

History is bound to repeat itself
Until we all wake up, and get off this ride
I believe that time is now knockinʼ on our door
will yours and mine, lock or open wide
Be the change, be the change (repeat)

Nothing can be done, nothing can be done
Thatʼs what they were saying
Maybe youʼre the one, maybe youʼre the one
Change has just begun
Change it, change it, change

Drinking up the world, like an alcoholic
Maybe we all need to check into rehab
Ghandi said it first, who will be the next to
Be part of the cure, for the pains we have
Be the change, be the change (repeat)
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If We Had a Fire (2009)
You Don't Know How Beautiful You Are Dance the Dark Away Tell Me a Ghost Story Flowers in My Heart Be the Change Emily's Letters The Ringer If We Had a Fire Wounded Before We Sell This Car The Coldest Road Old Strings Extraordinary Ordinary Life Tonight I Drive You Home