
Agribusiness Lyrics

Teraj, teraj mala ovce preko brega
Doći, doći ćemo ja i moj kolega
Doći ćemo ja i moj kolega
Dođi dragi, ne treba kolega
Lep ko-, lep kolega prevoleću njega
Lep kolega prevoleću njega
Dođi, dođi dragi, ja ću biti sama
Samo, samo pazi, da ne vidi nana
Samo pazi, da ne vidi nana
Ajde narode vraćaj se na selo
Nema ko zemlju obrađivat
Fertilizers, also spelled as fertilizers
Are compounds, given plants to promote growth
They are usually applied either through the soil
For uptake by plants, roots or by the ?
The uptake ?
Fertilizers can be ? whatever
They can be naturally occuring compounds or chemical process

Now the the tractors, ladies and gentlemen
We have a modern European tractor
A modern European farm tractor
1958 Sirius, 1958 Sirius 100, Warshaw
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