
Silver Tongued Devil Lyrics

I took myself down to the Tallyho Tavern
To buy me a bottle of beer
And I sat me down by a tender young maiden
Whose eyes were as soft as her hair
And as I was searchin' from bottle to bottle
For something unfoolish to say
That silver tongued devil just slipped from the shadows
And smilingly stole her away
I said Hey, little girl, don't you know he's the devil?
He's everything that I ain't.
Hiding intentions of evil under the smile of a saint.
All he's good for is gettin' in trouble
And shiftin' his share of the blame
And some people swear he's my double
And some even say we're the same
But the silver tounged devil's got nothin' to lose
I'll only live til I die
We take our own chances and pay our own dues...

...The silver tongued devil and I.
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