
Gap of Ginnungs Lyrics

In the beginning there was nought but distant past
There was nothing... nothing but a yawning Gap
A great emptiness, unending formless and void
No up, no down
No light, no darkness
No North nor South
No East nor West
No sound... nor silence
A chasm bound on either side by fire and ice
Niflheim, of terrible cold and darkness
Muspelheim, of unbearable heat and flame

Ginnungagap, Gap of Ginnungs
Ginnungagap, "Of old... was the Age"
Ginnungagap, Gap of Ginnungs
Ginnungagap, the primeval void, the pre-creation time
From flesh to Earth
From bone to mountain
From skull to Heaven ...of the frost cold giant

From blood, river, and sea
From teeth and bone shattered
Rocks, boulders, and stone ...of the frost cold giant
Muspelheim's sparks made their way into the Gap
And met with the ice of Niflheim
From melting, poison drops, Ymir and Auðumbla formed
Emergence of structure
Reformed and life was born
Reformed... and life was born

Ginnungagap, Gap of Ginnungs
Ginnungagap, "Of old... was the Age"
Ginnungagap, Gap of Ginnungs
Ginnungagap, the primeval void, the pre-creation time
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