Jenny, raise Kathleen in the eyes of God; that way you'll take comfort when I fail her. 'Cause I'm not the kind to try to teach The Fella's Word. Last week I mailed some cards I guess you couldn't read. But the truth is I could use this pressure.... Entertaining kids shooting up at clubs is no way to spend the night I turn twenty-nine. So far we've made a whole lotta graves. And I don't have the strength to dig all those holes. But the truth is I could use that pressure. Jenny, make sure he's keeping up his vows; that way he'll have something when he falls apart. I never seem to catch the three of you at once from those pay phones I can't hear s*** on anyway. But the truth is he could use some pressure.... And the lamb lies with the lion I've learned for sure. But the lion lies to the lamb every time.