
When We Get There Lyrics

Never been in love before

Take your time I'm new at this
Take your time and we'll get there

We'll get there and

When we get there it will be

Everything we thought it would

And when we get there it will be

Awfully good awfully good

Never felt like this before

Never thought it would be like this

Never thought I feel this way
We're on our way and

When we get there it will be

Well worth the waiting for

And when we get there you will see

I'll be yours you'll be mine

Wait for me take your time my love

We're on our way and
When we get there it will be

Well worth the waiting for

And when we get there you will see

I'll be yours you'll be mine

Wait for me take your time my love

When we get there it will be

Well worth the waiting for

When we get there you will see

I'll be yours you'll be mine
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I'm Kiki Dee (1968)
Excuse Me Sunshine Patterns With a Kiss When We Get There Why Don't I Run Away From You I We've Got Everything Going for Us I Dig You Baby Stop and Think Don't Destroy Me I'm Going Out (The Same Way I Came in)