
If I Die Tonight Lyrics

n a state of drunkenness
Staggering stumbling
It's cheap and dirty just as I like it
And I wouldn't want to be anywhere else
Pink neon tombstone
Let this place be my graveyard
Let this be my graveyard

I raise my glass
In a trance like state
You'll find me there
That's where ill be
I offered myself
Sacrificed myself
Here pretty smile around my c***
This will be my graveyard
Let this be my graveyard

Laughing dancing screaming

I'm drowning
I'm consumed
I dulge
I'm falling...falling
Towards sovereignty
Towards death

I'm laughing my way down
Laughing my way to the grave
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No Surrender (2009)
No Surrender Deathlust Still on the Prowl Aging Disgracefully Woods Are Wet: Woman Hell The Law of the Self If I Die Tonight Sideshow Unholy Triumph The Audience Is the Target Warpath