
Didn't He Ramble Lyrics

Didn't he ramble.... he rambled
Rambled all around.... in and out of town
Didn't he ramble....didn't he ramble
He rambled till the butcher cut him down
His feet was in the market... his head was in the street
Lady pass him by, said "hey, look at the market meat"
Didn't he ramble... he rambled
He rambled till the butcher shot him down
(instrumental break)

His feet was in the market... his head was in the street
Lady pass him by, said "hey, look at the market meat"
Didn't he ramble... he rambled
He rambled till the butcher shot him down
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Livin' a Tremé Life (2009)
Didn't He Ramble Late Up the Apple Tree Good Morning New Orleans Holy Cow Hey Naa I Got Mine I Can See Clearly Now High Heel Sneakers Hello Good Evening Song For My Father For The Love of You Tremé Mardi Gras