Maitia, nun zira?
Nik ez zaitut ikusten
ez berririk jakiten
nurat galdu zira?
Hala kanbiatu da
zure deseina?
Hitz eman zenereitan
ez behin, bai berritan
enia zinela!
Hala kanbiatu da...
Ohikua nauzu
ez nauzu kanbiatu
bihotzian beinin hartu
eta zu maitatu.
Aita jeloskor batek dizu kausatu.
Zure ikustetik
gehiago mintzatzetik
hark nizu pribatu.
Aita jeloskorra!
Zuk alaba igorri
arauz ene ihesi
komentu hartara.
Are eta ez ahal da sarturen serora!
Fede bedera dugu
Alkarri eman tugu
Gauza segurra da.
Zamariz iganik
jin zauzkit ikustera
ene konsolatzera
aitaren ixilik.
Hogoi eta laur urte baditut beterik.
Urte baten burian
nik ez duket ordian
Aitaren axolik.
Alaba diener
erranen dit orori:
"So'gidaziet eni
beha ene erraner.
Gaztetto direlarik, untsa diziplina!
Handitu direnian
berant date ordian
nik badakit untsa".
Where are you, my love? I have not seen you or heard from you,
where have you lost yourself?
May it be you have changed your plans?
You told me, over and over again, that you were mine.
I am the same, I have not changed and my heart has chosen you to love.
A jealous father has caused this. He deprives me to see and talk to you.
Jealous father, you sent your daughter, as if to flee from me, to that convent.
There is no possibility she will enter as a nun. We kept our word, we are engaged,
and that is the plain truth.
Come to see me riding your horse; come to console me, hidden from my father.
Already I am twenty-four years and in one more year,
we no longer have to worry about my father.
To all the daughters I say to them; "Look at me, do what I say.
While they are young, discipline is good! When they get older,
then it is too late, well do I know."
Nik ez zaitut ikusten
ez berririk jakiten
nurat galdu zira?
Hala kanbiatu da
zure deseina?
Hitz eman zenereitan
ez behin, bai berritan
enia zinela!
Hala kanbiatu da...
Ohikua nauzu
ez nauzu kanbiatu
bihotzian beinin hartu
eta zu maitatu.
Aita jeloskor batek dizu kausatu.
Zure ikustetik
gehiago mintzatzetik
hark nizu pribatu.
Aita jeloskorra!
Zuk alaba igorri
arauz ene ihesi
komentu hartara.
Are eta ez ahal da sarturen serora!
Fede bedera dugu
Alkarri eman tugu
Gauza segurra da.
Zamariz iganik
jin zauzkit ikustera
ene konsolatzera
aitaren ixilik.
Hogoi eta laur urte baditut beterik.
Urte baten burian
nik ez duket ordian
Aitaren axolik.
Alaba diener
erranen dit orori:
"So'gidaziet eni
beha ene erraner.
Gaztetto direlarik, untsa diziplina!
Handitu direnian
berant date ordian
nik badakit untsa".
Where are you, my love? I have not seen you or heard from you,
where have you lost yourself?
May it be you have changed your plans?
You told me, over and over again, that you were mine.
I am the same, I have not changed and my heart has chosen you to love.
A jealous father has caused this. He deprives me to see and talk to you.
Jealous father, you sent your daughter, as if to flee from me, to that convent.
There is no possibility she will enter as a nun. We kept our word, we are engaged,
and that is the plain truth.
Come to see me riding your horse; come to console me, hidden from my father.
Already I am twenty-four years and in one more year,
we no longer have to worry about my father.
To all the daughters I say to them; "Look at me, do what I say.
While they are young, discipline is good! When they get older,
then it is too late, well do I know."