Loriak udan ihintza bezela
maite det dama gazte bat
hari hainbeste nai diotenik
ezta munduan beste bat.
Inoiz edo behin pasatzen badet
ikusi gabe aste bat
bihotz guztira banatutzen zait
halako gauza triste bat.
Neskatxa gazte paregabia
apirileko arrosa
izarra bezin dizdizaria
txoria bezin airosa.
Oraintxen baino gustu gehiago
nik ezin nezake goza.
Zorionian ikusten zaitut
nere bihotzak hau poza!
Ez al didazu antzik ematen
nik zaitudala nahiago ai,
marinelak gau ilunian
izarra baino gehiago?
Nere onduan zauzkadalako
pozez zoraturik nago
zu ikustiak alegratu nau
triste neguen lehenago.
Nik hainbat inork nahi
dizunikan arren ez zazula
uste nere begiak beren aurrian
beti desio zaituzte.
Eguzkirikan ikusi gabe
txoria egoten da triste
ni ez nau ezerk alegratutzen
zu ikustiak hainbeste.
Arpegi fina, gorputza berriz
ez dago zer esanikan hizketan
ere grazi ederra
ezer ez dezu txarrikan.
Mundu guztia miratuta ere
zu bezelako damikan agian
izan liteke baina
ez det sinisten danikan.
Nere betiko pentsamentua
nere kontsolagarria
zu gabetanik ezin bizi naiz
esaten dizut egia.
Zu bazinake arbola eta
ni baldin banintz txoria
nik zu zinaken arbol hartantxen
egingo nuke kabia.
Amoriuak nere bihotza
zureganuntza darama
herri guztian zeren daukazun
neskatx bikainaren fama.
Beste fortunik mundu honetan
ez det desiatzen, dama
haur batek berak izan gaitzala
ni aita eta zu ama.
Falta duenak logratutzeko
hitz egitia txit on du
eta nik ere saiatu biat
ote gintezken konpondu.
Gaur nagon bezin atrebitua
sekulan ez naiz egondu
hargatik kolpez galdetzen dizut
nerekin nahi'zun ezkondu.
Ezkondutziak izan behar du
preziso gauza txarren bat.
Hala esaten ari zait
beti nere kontsejatzaile bat.
Halaxen ere haren esanak
oso utzirik alde bat ongi
pozikan hartuko nuke
zu bezalako andre bat.
Zerorrek ere ongi dakizu
aspaldi hontan nagola
zuregatikan penak sufritzen
bainan ordea hau nola!
Halaxen ere nigana ezin
biguindu zaitut inola.
Ni zuretzako argizaia naiz
zu neretzako marmola!
Nere bihotza urtzen dijua
eta ez da misterio
penaren kargak estutu eta
zumua kendutzen dio.
Begiak dauzkat gau eta
egun eginikan bi errio
beti negarra dariotela
zu zeralako medio.
Zu zeralako medio baldin
joaten banaiz lur azpira
gero damua eta malkoak
alperrik izango dira.
Behin juanez gero
hoien birtutez berriz
ez ninteke jira.
Hori gertatu baino lehenago
izazu nitaz kupira!
I love a young lady as much as the dew does with the flowers in the summer;
there is no one in the world like her. If there is a week I pass without seeing her,
an immense sadness invades my heart.
Young with no pair, an April's rose, bright as a star, light as a feather.
I cannot enjoy of a greater pleasure in this moment; I see you filled with happiness and
yes! what joy does my heart have.
Do you not realize that I love you more, then the captain to his star
in the dark night? I am bursting of happiness because I have you beside me.
I was so happy to see you because before I was with sorrow.
Please, do not think that there can be someone else who can love you more than I do.
My eyes always want to behold you. It's like the same sadness when the bird does not
see the sun there is nothing that can please me more than to see you.
With a stunning face and an incredible body, your words have the gift of grace,
there is no flaw in you that can be observed. If I were to search around the world,
perhaps there might exist , but I do not think there is another lady like you.
A thought always rounds my mind this is my only consolation,
because without you I could not live, I'm telling you the truth. If you were a tree and
I was a bird; in that tree, which is you I will build my nest.
My love drags my heart to you, like everyone considers youas a lovely girl.
The treasure I most want in this world is that a baby would have you for his mother
and me as for his father.
For someone who has not but wants to obtain, it is a great help to talk about it.
And also I have to do my best to see if we can work things out. I have never been so daring
like I am today and that is why without more hesitation I ask you, do you want to marry me?
Marriage has to be a bad necessary. This is what my great counselor of mine
always says to me. Even so, and leaving completely back the advices given to me,
gladly I would take a lady like you.
You well know that lately I have been suffering a lot because of you, but this is too much!
And still I don't attract you to me; I am wax for you and you are marble to me.
My heart melts and it is no mystery, the burden of punishment oppresses
and takes away all the essences. Night and day my eyes become two rivers
always flowing tears, you are the cause.
If by your fault I have to be buried, the sorrow and the cry will be useless.
Once I have gone, I cannot return for the more you mourn.
Before that happens have mercy on me!
Loriak udan ihintza bezela
maite det dama gazte bat
hari hainbeste nai diotenik
ezta munduan beste bat.
Inoiz edo behin pasatzen badet
ikusi gabe aste bat
bihotz guztira banatutzen zait
halako gauza triste bat.
Neskatxa gazte paregabia
apirileko arrosa
izarra bezin dizdizaria
txoria bezin airosa.
Oraintxen baino gustu gehiago
nik ezin nezake goza.
Zorionian ikusten zaitut
nere bihotzak hau poza!
Ez al didazu antzik ematen
nik zaitudala nahiago ai,
marinelak gau ilunian
izarra baino gehiago?
Nere onduan zauzkadalako
pozez zoraturik nago
zu ikustiak alegratu nau
triste neguen lehenago.
Nik hainbat inork nahi
dizunikan arren ez zazula
uste nere begiak beren aurrian
beti desio zaituzte.
Eguzkirikan ikusi gabe
txoria egoten da triste
ni ez nau ezerk alegratutzen
zu ikustiak hainbeste.
Arpegi fina, gorputza berriz
ez dago zer esanikan hizketan
ere grazi ederra
ezer ez dezu txarrikan.
Mundu guztia miratuta ere
zu bezelako damikan agian
izan liteke baina
ez det sinisten danikan.
Nere betiko pentsamentua
nere kontsolagarria
zu gabetanik ezin bizi naiz
esaten dizut egia.
Zu bazinake arbola eta
ni baldin banintz txoria
nik zu zinaken arbol hartantxen
egingo nuke kabia.
Amoriuak nere bihotza
zureganuntza darama
herri guztian zeren daukazun
neskatx bikainaren fama.
Beste fortunik mundu honetan
ez det desiatzen, dama
haur batek berak izan gaitzala
ni aita eta zu ama.
Falta duenak logratutzeko
hitz egitia txit on du
eta nik ere saiatu biat
ote gintezken konpondu.
Gaur nagon bezin atrebitua
sekulan ez naiz egondu
hargatik kolpez galdetzen dizut
nerekin nahi'zun ezkondu.
Ezkondutziak izan behar du
preziso gauza txarren bat.
Hala esaten ari zait
beti nere kontsejatzaile bat.
Halaxen ere haren esanak
oso utzirik alde bat ongi
pozikan hartuko nuke
zu bezalako andre bat.
Zerorrek ere ongi dakizu
aspaldi hontan nagola
zuregatikan penak sufritzen
bainan ordea hau nola!
Halaxen ere nigana ezin
biguindu zaitut inola.
Ni zuretzako argizaia naiz
zu neretzako marmola!
Nere bihotza urtzen dijua
eta ez da misterio
penaren kargak estutu eta
zumua kendutzen dio.
Begiak dauzkat gau eta
egun eginikan bi errio
beti negarra dariotela
zu zeralako medio.
Zu zeralako medio baldin
joaten banaiz lur azpira
gero damua eta malkoak
alperrik izango dira.
Behin juanez gero
hoien birtutez berriz
ez ninteke jira.
Hori gertatu baino lehenago
izazu nitaz kupira!
I love a young lady as much as the dew does with the flowers in the summer;
there is no one in the world like her. If there is a week I pass without seeing her,
an immense sadness invades my heart.
Young with no pair, an April's rose, bright as a star, light as a feather.
I cannot enjoy of a greater pleasure in this moment; I see you filled with happiness and
yes! what joy does my heart have.
Do you not realize that I love you more, then the captain to his star
in the dark night? I am bursting of happiness because I have you beside me.
I was so happy to see you because before I was with sorrow.
Please, do not think that there can be someone else who can love you more than I do.
My eyes always want to behold you. It's like the same sadness when the bird does not
see the sun there is nothing that can please me more than to see you.
With a stunning face and an incredible body, your words have the gift of grace,
there is no flaw in you that can be observed. If I were to search around the world,
perhaps there might exist , but I do not think there is another lady like you.
A thought always rounds my mind this is my only consolation,
because without you I could not live, I'm telling you the truth. If you were a tree and
I was a bird; in that tree, which is you I will build my nest.
My love drags my heart to you, like everyone considers youas a lovely girl.
The treasure I most want in this world is that a baby would have you for his mother
and me as for his father.
For someone who has not but wants to obtain, it is a great help to talk about it.
And also I have to do my best to see if we can work things out. I have never been so daring
like I am today and that is why without more hesitation I ask you, do you want to marry me?
Marriage has to be a bad necessary. This is what my great counselor of mine
always says to me. Even so, and leaving completely back the advices given to me,
gladly I would take a lady like you.
You well know that lately I have been suffering a lot because of you, but this is too much!
And still I don't attract you to me; I am wax for you and you are marble to me.
My heart melts and it is no mystery, the burden of punishment oppresses
and takes away all the essences. Night and day my eyes become two rivers
always flowing tears, you are the cause.
If by your fault I have to be buried, the sorrow and the cry will be useless.
Once I have gone, I cannot return for the more you mourn.
Before that happens have mercy on me!