
Celestial Science Lyrics

I was born in the town of St. Remy
Raised at my grandfather's side
who would teach me Latin, Hebrew, Chemistry
no question was ever denied
I was told about the circle of life
hearing how my ancestors managed to survive
all about the wonders of astrology
when I was a boy

spending nights reading books
on the heavens and the earth
then finding out, discovering
the power of words
only time could separate our souls and their secret alliance
celestial science
on matters that would really interest me
I received a pretty good start
much to the concern of some friends and family
who felt I was tryin' just a little too hard
though my education wasn't useless or wrong
but to learn a proper job I was sent to Avignon
far away from prying eyes in St. Remy
where I was a boy
Just spending nights reading books
on the heavens and the earth
then finding out, discovering
the power of words
only time could separate our souls and their secret alliance
celestial science

I remember spending nights and reading books
on the heavens and the earth
then finding out, discovering
the power of words
only time could separate our souls and their secret alliance
celestial science
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Nostradamus: The Fate of Man (2005)
The Secret Study A Strange and Cryptic Tale Friend of the Stars, Part 1 Celestial Science The Student Dance of Death, Part 1 Fresh Air, Running Water, Rose Pills The Monk's Comment, Part 1 Seekers of Truth, Part 1 Dance of Death, Part 2 Save My Wife The Monk's Comment, Part 2 Pagan's Paradise The Inquisition The Wandering Years The Monk's Comment, Part 3 If History Was Mine Alone Friend of the Stars, Part 2 A Man With Remarkable Talents Settle Down The Monk's Comment 4 The Flying Squadron Dance of Mirrors A Royal Invitation A Cruel Death + the Monk's Comment 5 Tell Me All The Tournament The Golden Cage Seekers of Truth Living in Two Realities Act of Despair The Secret Study The Centuries (You Won't Find Me) Alive at Sunrise Friend of the Stars Epilogue: The Fate of Man