
Wearing the Rings of Saturn as a Halo Lyrics

The sky breathes heavy on my fleshless bones,
As I emerge from an astral heap
Oblivious to philosophy.
Careening through emotions,
A phantom wind ripping through
These books with blank pages.

Such oppressive astrology.
Galvanizing this forlorn stone:
With the psychic debt,
Haunting debt,
Cruel debt...
The unforgiving debt
Of the acursed forebearers of thine.

Stumbling upon these ruins.
Bones beckoned to sift through biographical stones.
And unbeknownst, in the absence of eyes
A haloed rune of congenital malevolence
Is Thrown. To. My. Feet.
The magnetism of the curse
Carries the rune to the body
Maledicted vibrations of this leaden crown...

And leeches black mercury into these naive,
brittle bones.
I feel my feet tread upon a
Path of cataclysm
I feel an occult aperture
Yawning before me.

An occupation of tenebraeic design
Awaits to robe me with malicious device.

Onward to the Hill of Skulls!
Onward to the Wind of Knives!
Onward to the Collapsed Nebula!
Onward to a Universe of Death!
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