
Skip the Funeral Lyrics

Plagiarize the remnants left.
Someone had to claim it.

Plagiarize the remnants left.
I doubt you will remember.
It was yours, but then you left.
I doubt you will remember.
Feed us shifty, guilty glances, knowing you gave up.
Tell yourself you're still the good guy, knowing you gave up.
(Gone, because he's feeling lost, because he's given up, and given in to reason)

Feed us, good guy, guilty, good guy, give up.
Give up.

If you think you're done with me, please expect some anger.

Skip the funeral, shut the coffin,
Leave the corpse, we must keep moving.
Can't slow down, or we will stop, completely.
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The Art of Distraction (2006)
Diversions Skip the Funeral Cyberspace Lipgloss A Lullaby The Remains The Revolution Will Be Cybercast Safely Negative One Phone Call Symbiosis : The Great Machine