
Yeshua Adonenu Lyrics

Ata tikvati
Adonai ozi

Pi yesaper
Kol ha-yom

Yeshua Adonenu
Yeshua Moshienu
Yeshua Goelenu
Hoshia na
Tzid-kat ha-Elohim
Mit-ga-leit al-yad-cha

Konanta derech
Chadasha v'chaya

Psalm 71:5,15; Hebrews 10:20
You are my hope, O Lord my strength.
My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness
and Your salvation all the day.
Yeshua, our Lord, our Savior, our Redeemer, save
The righteousness of God is revealed through You.
You have made a new
and living way through Your blood.
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