
The Waves Down in the Ocean Lyrics

Chorus (after each verse):
Oh ro the salty waves
The waves down in the ocean O
Oh ro the salty waves
The waves down in the ocean O
And in those waves there was a whale
A rare whale and a salty whale
A whale in the waves
And the waves down in the ocean O

And in those waves there was a turtle
A rare turtle and a salty turtle
A turtle on the whale
And the whale in the waves
And the waves down in the ocean O

And in those waves there was an otter
A rare otter and a salty otter
An otter on the turtle
And the turtle on the whale
And the whale in the waves
And the waves down in the ocean O

And in those waves there was a crab
A rare crab and a salty crab
A crab on the otter
And the otter on the turtle
And the turtle on the whale
And the whale in the waves
And the waves down in the ocean O
And in those waves there was a flea
A rare flea and a salty flea
A flea on the crab
And the crab on the otter
And the otter on the turtle
And the turtle on the whale
And the whale in the waves
And the waves down in the ocean O
And in those waves there was an eel
A rare eel and a salty eel
An eel on the flea
And the flea on the crab
And the crab on the otter
And the otter on the turtle
And the turtle on the whale
And the whale in the waves
And the waves down in the ocean O

And in those waves there was a squid
A rare squid and a salty squid
A squid on the eel
And the eel on the flea
And the flea on the crab
And the crab on the otter
And the otter on the turtle
And the turtle on the whale
And the whale in the waves
And the waves down in the ocean O
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Seal Maiden: A Celtic Musical (2000)
We're Going Sailing Dialog The Cradle Song Dialog The Silkie Song Dialog The Seasons Dialog The Wriggly Eels Dialog The Waves Down in the Ocean Dialog Port Na bPúcai Dialog The Song of the Seal Dialog Táim Cortha Bheith Im' Aonar Im' Lui Dialog Seoithín Dialog Maidin Aiseach Dialog The Loony Moon We're Going Sailing (reprise)