
The Seasons Lyrics

Spring came, birds singing up in the high trees
Silkie song is still clearer
Telling me to come away
Summer, sun shining high on the mountains
Silkie song is still warmer
Telling me to come away
Autumn, leaves crushing brown and yellow
Silkie song is still softer
Telling me to come away

Winter, snow and winds are howling
Silkie song is still sweeter
Telling me to come away
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Seal Maiden: A Celtic Musical (2000)
We're Going Sailing Dialog The Cradle Song Dialog The Silkie Song Dialog The Seasons Dialog The Wriggly Eels Dialog The Waves Down in the Ocean Dialog Port Na bPúcai Dialog The Song of the Seal Dialog Táim Cortha Bheith Im' Aonar Im' Lui Dialog Seoithín Dialog Maidin Aiseach Dialog The Loony Moon We're Going Sailing (reprise)