
Intro Lyrics

Are you feeling broke, loneley or in need of a reality check?

Well here comes INYA, as you begin the use if INYA,
a side effect may be but is not limited to, a boost in energy,
the erge to bounce, uforia, or a sudden desire to go bird hunting.
[Gun shot followed by a pigeon call]
Take doses of INYA only as necessary.
Unauthorized douplication, copy, or
distribution of this product will result in a severe beat down by UTP,
INYA a**, and a 2% a** whoopin by some n***** in houston.
Now, keep the party goin'.
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Being Myself (1995)
Intro Betcha' 20 Dollars (Bounce It) Whatcha Gotta Do G-Ing Men Powder Bag Pass Azz 'n**** U Can't C Me Shake Dat Azz Somethin' I Forgot/I Blowed Sling It to tha Back