
The Boy Who Never Forgot Lyrics

time takes me further
down here a well.
old springs turn bitter
where dear ones fell.
a written page reads,
"we have lost".
come back,
the boy who never forgot.
cannot you hear?
the boy who never forgot.
hope and a full heart
have claimed their part,
i let it go with a will that's slowed.
I want to be where I can't go.....

come back,
the boy who never forgot.
cannot you hear?
the boy who never forgot.
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The White Songbook (2001)
The White Songbook Shepherds of the Northern Pasture And Without Help We Perish The Boy Who Never Forgot Unicornucopia Hunter Green and Other Histories A New Pirate Traditional We Are Rock The Good Will Not Be Cloned or Why Should the Christians Get All the Bad Music As Children We Are Growing Younger Sing Once for Me The Heritage Bough A Frog in the Pond The Songbook Tells All