
Bread & Wine Lyrics

I was wrong, everybody needs someone, to hold on
Take my hand, I've been a lonesome man, took a while to understand

There's some things we can't live without,
A man's so p***e to doubt,
Faithful are the wounds from friends.
So give it just a little time,
Share some bread and wine
Weave your heart into mine,
My friend
Walls fall down, where there's a peaceful sound, lonely souls hang around
Don't be shy, there's nothing left to hide, come on let's talk a while

Of the places we left behind,
No longer yours and mine
But we could build a good thing here too
So give it just a little time,
Share bread and wine
Weave your heart into mine
If I fall, I fall alone, but two can help to bear the load
A threefold chord is hard to break
All I have I give to you if you will share your sorrows too,
Then joy will be the crown upon our heads
My friend
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Love & War & the Sea in Between (2011)