
Newfound Friend Lyrics

You change your ways from day to day
With every heartbeat come what may
Life is passion and affection
I see myself in your reflection
It's a different kind of love
The love i have for you
A strange and fragile love
That leaves you torn into
It's a rough and shattered picture of who i used to be
Will not set everything aside
To lose myself in this different kind of love
My worried mind knows how to find
The sparks that i can grow and ignite
Lights a fire deep inside and spreads
To destroy and turn you blind

Me and you my newfound friend, turn beginnings into ends
And i will silently save a piece of my heart
For you to break, for you to tear apart
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This Is Jonna Lee (2009)
Aberdeen on New Year's Eve Lake Chermain This Is 2009 There Was Me Something So Quiet My High The Weight and the Beating of His Heart Newfound Friend The Light Question: Sinking Low In the Mood for You Loneliest One The recording of This Is Jonna Lee