
To Hide a Little Thought Lyrics

I tried to hide a little thought
The more I tried the worse things got
It started out so meek and small
But in a week pervaded all
Just a stray little stray, stray, stray
In trying to hide it I asked it to stay
In trying to hide it I'd made it a bed
From which to rule the world unsaid (From which to conquer the world unsaid)

To hide a little thought, a little vagabond
A sprite in the dark that wouldn't move a long.

Many thoughts they come and go
This to shall pass she'll never know
Since my way is bold and free
She noticed something strange in me
Mabye my voice speeded up or slowed down
Maybe my eyes started darting around
Maybe my hands started coverin' my face
Maybe I rambled all over the place...

To hide a little thought, a little vagabond
A sprite in the dark that wouldn't move a long.
I don't say each thing on my mind
To say each thing would be unkind
But with someone I know so well
It's so unlike me not to tell

Usually I like confrontations, I do
I get this thrill out of sayin' what's true
I look so lifeless when I try to lie
That's why it's easy to tell when I try...

To hide a little thought, a little vagabond
A sprite in the dark that wouldn't move a long.
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You Must Ask the Heart (1995)
To Hide a Little Thought The Heart of Saturday Night Vampire Girl Just Because I'm Irish That's How I Feel Let Her Go Into the Darkness The Rose You Must Ask the Heart Nothing Can Change This Love Amorcito Corazón City vs. Country Walter Johnson Nishi