
Something About You I Love Lyrics

There's just something about you I love and I can't pin it down
Is it in the way you kiss or the way your hair hangs down
All I know is your warm woman's touch hold everything I'm dreaming of
I don't know why I want you so much there's something about you I love mhmm
[ guitar ]
There's a message in your move that's gettin' through to me
There's something in the way you look that wakes up the need in me
I don't know what draws me to you but I can't seem to get close enough
I don't know what it is that you do there's just something about you I love mhmm
All I know is your warm woman's touch...
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Mr. Love Maker (1973)
Mr. Lovemaker Walk With Me, Girl If Love Gets Any Better I'm Just Tired of Hurting You Love Is a Strange and Wonderful Thing Something About You I Love If You Just Win One Time I Won't Ever Love Again Once You've Had the Best All in the Name of Love She'll Unwine Me