
Crazy Legs Lyrics

Well I got a little woman called Crazy Legs

She's the queen of the teenage crowd
All the cats stuffin' nickels in the ol' jukebox

Just to watch her do the bop when the music gets loud

Crazy Legs Crazy Legs a-boppin' all over the floor

Do the bop Crazy Legs do the bop

She's my baby and I don't mean maybe

She's mine-mine-mine all mine

Well when she hears the music well it gets in her feet

Well then she starts a-rocking with the crazy beat

She does a different kind of rhythm with every song

Well that's why they call her Crazy Legs she's real gone

Crazy Legs Crazy Legs a-boppin' all over the floor
Do the bop Crazy Legs do the bop

She's my baby and I don't mean maybe

She's mine-mine-mine all mine

Well she can bop she can boogie she can move and jump

With a style that's all her own

Just give her lots of room and a rock 'n' roll tune

And she will do the bop till the cows come home
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