
Take the Long Way Home Lyrics

Take the long way home
She won't wait up tonight
I can take the long way home
And there won't be any fights
Tonight I can stay out late with the boys
Play cards and come in at dawn
Since she left me I've got a choice
I can take the long way home
No pictures on the wall
No carpet on the floor
No one ever calls
No one knocks on my door
It's just a place where I sleep at night
But I can't sleep alone
I think I'll stop off and have a b***
And take the long way home
What makes a house a home
Is sometimes hard to say
You never know all the riches you own
'Til someone takes them away

The night is clear and my work is through
It's a shame to be alone
I think I'll go have a beer or two
I'll take the long way home
I'll just take the long way home
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Take the Long Way Home (1986)
At The Sound Of The Tone The Broken Promise Land She's Ready For Someone To Love Her Sounds Like Something I Would Say Better Class Of Losers Gettin' Even The Auction This Time Just When Take The Long Way Home