
Loving Shepherd of thy sheep Lyrics

Loving Shepherd of thy sheep,
Keep thy lamb, in safety keep.
Nothing can they power withstand.
NOne can pluck me from they hand.
I would bles thee every day,
Gladly all they will obey.
Like thy blessed ones above,
Happy in thy perfect love.
Loving Shepherd, ever near.
Teach thy lamb thy voice to hear;
Suffer not my steps to stray,
From the straight and narrow way.

Where thou leadest I would go,
Walking in thy steps below,
Till before my Father's throne.
I shall know as I am known
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Hail, gladdening Light (1991)
Rejoice in the Lord Remember not, Lord, our offences, Z. 50 Come, let's rejoice When David heard I sat down under his shadow These are they that follow the Lamb Christe Jesu, pastor bone O beatum et sacrosanctum diem Nunc dimittis O vos omnes Factum est silentium Justorum animae Hail, gladdening Light A Hymn to the Mother of God Hymn for the Dormition of the Mother of God They are at rest A litany Nolo mortem peccatoris O nata lux Loving Shepherd of thy sheep The Lord's Prayer In manus tuas Bring us, O Lord God