
Candy Lyrics

Candy, I call my sugar Candy
Because I'm sweet on Candy
And Candy's sweet on me
She understands me
My understanding Candy
Candy's always handy
When I need sympathy
Well, I wish that there were four of her
So I could love much more of her
She has taken my complete heart
I've got a sweet tooth for my sweetheart
Candy, it's gonna be just dandy
The day I take my Candy
And make him/her mine, all mine
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My Blue Heaven (1990)
My Blue Heaven I'm An Errand Boy for Rhythm It Could Happen to You Lady Be Good The Touch of Your Lips Can't Take You Nowhere Take My Smile That's What Stray Horn Best Man Oh Me, Oh My, Oh Gosh Don't Get Around Much Anymore Gee Baby Ain't I Good To You Passion Flower Zoot Walked In / Morning Fun Candy