
Laymens Terms Lyrics

If you could say something
Without sedating me
The air in your small world might clear to breathe
Laymen's terms
King of fools

You'd render me
In this bad scene
Playing to the gallery
And they remember all their lines
They all remember the dirt

I'm through humoring you
I am learning to hate you
It's true
I'm through humoring you
I've been drinking and sleeping
My enemies' Holiday Inn
We speak untruths
Because there's strength in numbers
Forced to relate
In a world depraved
Identify alone

We speak in tongues
Give me laymen's terms
The air in this small world might clear
But they won't remember you
They will remember the dirt, the joke
I'm through humoring you
I am learning to hate you
It's true
I'm through humoring you
I've been living and dying
My enemies' Holiday Inn

Laymen's terms
King of fools
Walk with you
Walk with you
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One Week (2016)
The Burden of Proof / Reign Laymens Terms Sick E Dagger Days of New Waiting Goodmorning Night Obsolete Absolute The Worst One More Song