
The Infinite Blessed Yes Lyrics

Like symmetrical eels she had 2 black eyes
Like symmetrical eels across her cheeckbones

Sirens striped the crime scene dizzy
A car alarm and dog's bark, crying in a cop's arms
Ooh the infinite blessed yes
Spell repeat spell and spell
Do over and over do
Over and over and over
And over
Like a scar's slow fade
Like skeleton eggs
In a nest maze of scarves
You can only destroy what you hold dear

She said 'you can't be so quietly gay
Cuz I already am and no one will ever let you keep anything they know you have'

Ooh the infinite blessed yes
Spell repeat spell and spell
Do over and over do
Over and over and over
And over
The problem is you can't understand what the problem is
And it'll kill you to love like you will never die
And everything you think makes you cool makes you even more of a loser
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So Much Staying Alive and Lovelessness (2003)
On a Bedsheet in the Breeze on the Roof The Infinite Blessed Yes Perfect Need and Perfect Completion Olivia Lost Diane Cool and Beautiful Mr. Participation Billy Mean to March Hello Goodnight Good Morning Goodbye Dead Together Madelleine Laughing Staying Alive and Lovelessness