
Friends 'til the End Lyrics

Pick any song you please.
Click, we're in harmony.
Stick to me and you'll see,
What a kick it is to be,
Friends, friends, friends 'til the end.
You travel where you will.
I'll tag along and we'll,
See most of everywhere.
Everyone will know that we're,
Friends, Friends, Friends 'til the end.
Sometimes when we feel a little bored,
We play a little game but we don't keep score.
Friendship is its own reward.
Fun just to play the game.
Win, lose it's all the same.
Who cares who really comes in first?
Let's spell it out!
F Someone asks of me,
R You and me a team,
I Say we'll always be friends 'til the,
Friends, friends, friends 'til the end.
'Til the end, 'Til the end, 'Til the end.
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