[data track]Choose Your HeroArrival at the DocksSkeleton of a TownPalisades Under SiegeThe Goblin HordesThe ShaengarneSherincal of the ChimeraLimha's SecretThe FellwoodReturn to KuldaharBattle of the HeartstoneReturn to Dragon's EyeThe Severed HandShowdown With the TwinsThe Town of LonelywoodBarbarian BattleIsle of the DeadTormented Spirits of the BarrowsThe Edge of the GloomfrostDragon BattleHeart of Winter ThemeIcewind Dale Theme[untitled][untitled]Easthaven in PeaceEasthaven in PiecesKuldahar Theme[untitled][untitled][untitled]The Dragon's EyeSevered Hand InteriorUpper Dorn's Deep InteriorDrow & Orog GateUmber Hulk LabyrinthVale of ShadowsAquarium of AlkonosFrost Giant CaveLower Dorn's DeepSvirfneblin Refugee CampMarketh's PalaceThe Fallen Temple