
Think About Your Troubles Lyrics

Sit beside the breakfast table
Think about your troubles
Pour yourself a cup of tea
Then think about the bubbles
You can take your teardrops
And drop 'em in a teacup
Take 'em down to the riverside
And throw 'em over the side
To be swept up by a current
Then taken to the ocean
To be eaten by some fishes
Who were eaten by some fishes
And swallowed by a whale
Who grew so old he decomposed
He died and left his body
To the bottom of the ocean
Now everybody knows
That when a body decompses
The basic elements
Are given back to the ocean
And the sea does what it oughta
And soon there's salty water
Which is not to good for drinkin'
'Cause it tastes just like a teardrop
So we run it through a filter
And it comes out from a faucet
Where it pours into a teapot
Which is just about to bubble
Now think about your troubles.
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