
Old Photographs Lyrics

Sometimes i feel like we've got nothing to say anymore
We sit around and fade into the walls
like old photographs
I guess it happens as the days and years go by
Something changes. You don't know why
and you're afraid to ask
I don't want to be just a fading memory
torn in half by time
All we have are pictures of us
and the way loved used to be
between you and me
Old photographs
We used to talk about mistakes our parents made
We swore we'd never waste our lives that way
How the tables turn
Are we the same two people who fell in love
Have we really changed so much
or did we just grow up?

I don't want to be just a fading memory
torn in half by time
All we have are pictures of us
and the way loved used to be
between you and me
Old photographs
Pictures of us
and the way loved used to be
between you and me
Old photographs
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