O Lord, in thee is all my trust.
Give ear unto my woeful cries.
Refuse me not, that am unjust,
but bowing down thy heav'nly eyes,
behold how I do still lament
my sins wherein I thee offend.
O Lord, for them shall I be shent,
sith thee to please I do intend?
No, no, not so! Thy will is bent
to deal with sinners in thine ire:
but when in heart they shall repent
thou grant'st with speed their just desire.
To thee therefore still shall I cry,
to wash away my sinful crime.
Thy blood, O Lord, is not yet dry,
but that it may help me in time.
Haste now, O Lord, haste now, I say,
to pour on me the gifts of grace
that when this life must flit away
in heav'n with thee I may have place
where thou dost reign eternally
with God which once did down thee send,
where angels sing continually.
To thee be praise, world without end. Amen.
Give ear unto my woeful cries.
Refuse me not, that am unjust,
but bowing down thy heav'nly eyes,
behold how I do still lament
my sins wherein I thee offend.
O Lord, for them shall I be shent,
sith thee to please I do intend?
No, no, not so! Thy will is bent
to deal with sinners in thine ire:
but when in heart they shall repent
thou grant'st with speed their just desire.
To thee therefore still shall I cry,
to wash away my sinful crime.
Thy blood, O Lord, is not yet dry,
but that it may help me in time.
Haste now, O Lord, haste now, I say,
to pour on me the gifts of grace
that when this life must flit away
in heav'n with thee I may have place
where thou dost reign eternally
with God which once did down thee send,
where angels sing continually.
To thee be praise, world without end. Amen.