Jan Garbarek & The Hilliard Ensemble Lyrics
- Quechuna Song
- O Lord in Thee Is All My Trust
- Estonian Lullaby
- Remember Me My Dear
- Gloria
- Fayrfax Africanus
- Agnus Dei
- Novus novus
- Se je fayz dueil
- O ignis spiritus
- Alleluia nativitatis
- Delphic Paean
- Strophe and Counter-Strophe
- Mascarades (Basque folksong)
- Loiterando
- Estonian Lullaby
- Russian Psalm (16th century Russia)
- Eagle Dance (Iroquois & Padleirmiut fragments)
- When Jesus Wept
- Hymn to the Sun
- Parce mihi domine
- Primo tempore
- Sanctus
- Regnantem sempiterna
- O salutaris hostia
- Procedentem sponsum
- Pulcherrima rosa
- Parce mihi domine (2)
- Beata viscera
- De spineto nata rosa
- Credo
- Ave maris stella
- Virgo flagellatur
- Oratio Ieremiae
- Parce mihi domine (3)