
Sea for the Shore/Stephen Behind the Eight Ball Lyrics

The lights of the freighters they danced on the water
They tugged at the anchors that held them at bay
And lost in her arms boys I too was dancing
I traded the sea for the shore x2
The light from the moon turned the wet streets to silver
As we walked hand in hand up the road from the bay
Me glancing backwards from where I had come boys
I traded the sea for the shore x2
The light from the street-lamp cast haloes upon us
As I leaned on the railing at the foot of her stairs
I touched her cheek lightly the skies now are clearing
I traded the sea for the shore x2

The light from the sunrise poured gold through the curtain
Touched the edge of her shoulder
Caught the glow in her eyes
The horn of the freighter called
"Home wayward sailors"
But I traded the sea for the shore
I traded the sea for the shore
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Timelines (1987)
Fires of Calais Boom Gone Bust Railway Tune Jenny Bryce Follow Me Up To Carlow Roll Down Lost Snap the Line Tight Sea for the Shore/Stephen Behind the Eight Ball