
Breaking the Roles Lyrics

You'll come to work, 8 to 4
Till we don't need you anymore
Dress up the way I wanna see you
And slave for the company
Shave and shower every day
And kiss some a****
That's the way to become a well-paid business-guy like me!
The answer:
f*** you
That's not what I'm gonna do
I won't sell my time on earth to you
Cause I've got so much better things to do
f*** you and your f***** up system too
I won't stand in line to end up like you
I don't think I'll do
You'll stay at home all your life
As f***machine, mum and housewife
Cause that's your holy destiny in "man"kinds hierachy
Clean, cook, wash, shut up, and f***
Consume all s*** and serve the shmuck
Like the companies just told you on TV
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Breaking the Roles... (2000)