Ho rò, chan eil cadal orm Ho rò, I am unable to sleep
Chan eil m' air' air sòlas I cannot think of happiness
Mo chùlaibh ri ceòl gàire I have turned my back on laughter
Bho 'n latha chaidh mo phòsadh Since the day I was married
Ho rò, chan eil cadal orm Ho rò, I am unable to sleep
Bha m'athair is mo mhàthair My father, my mother
'S mo bhràithrean uile deònach And all my brothers were willing
Mo phòsadh ris an t-seann fhear To have me married to the old fellow
On bha mi gann de stòras Because I had no wealth
Ho rò, chan eil cadal orm Ho rò, I am unable to sleep
'S e 'n t-òr a thug an car asam It was gold which deceived me
'S e 'n seann fhear rinn mo bhuaireadh The old man sorely tried me
'S e 'm pòsadh rinn mo shàrach Marriage has distressed me
'S tha bhlàth siud air mo ghruaidh-sa As you can see from the pallor of my cheek
Ho rò, chan eil cadal orm Ho rò, I am unable to sleep
Chan eil m' air' air sòlas I cannot think of happiness
Mo chùlaibh ri ceòl gàire I have turned my back on laughter
Bho 'n latha chaidh mo phòsadh Since the day I was married
Ho rò, chan eil cadal orm Ho rò, I am unable to sleep
Nuair bhios càch 's na bailtean 's iad While others in the townships
A' crathadh an cuid ghùntaibh Are flaunting their nightgowns
Bidh mise leis an t-seann fhear I lie with the old man
A's srann aig air mo chùlaibh As he snores behind me
Ho rò, chan eil cadal orm Ho rò, I am unable to sleep
Comhairl' oirbh a chaileagan My advice to you, young girls
An earail seo na diùltaibh Do not disregard this caution
Gun tàir a dhean' air òigfhear Is not to despise a young man
Ged bhios a sporran sùmhail However tight his purse
Ho rò, chan eil cadal orm Ho rò, I am unable to sleep
Chan eil m' air' air sòlas I cannot think of happiness
Mo chùlaibh ri ceòl gàire I have turned my back on laughter
Bho 'n latha chaidh mo phòsadh Since the day I was married
Ho rò, chan eil cadal orm Ho rò, I am unable to sleep
Ho rò, chan eil cadal orm Ho rò, I am unable to sleep
Chan eil m' air' air sòlas I cannot think of happiness
Mo chùlaibh ri ceòl gàire I have turned my back on laughter
Bho 'n latha chaidh mo phòsadh Since the day I was married
Ho rò, chan eil cadal orm
Chan eil m' air' air sòlas I cannot think of happiness
Mo chùlaibh ri ceòl gàire I have turned my back on laughter
Bho 'n latha chaidh mo phòsadh Since the day I was married
Ho rò, chan eil cadal orm Ho rò, I am unable to sleep
Bha m'athair is mo mhàthair My father, my mother
'S mo bhràithrean uile deònach And all my brothers were willing
Mo phòsadh ris an t-seann fhear To have me married to the old fellow
On bha mi gann de stòras Because I had no wealth
Ho rò, chan eil cadal orm Ho rò, I am unable to sleep
'S e 'n t-òr a thug an car asam It was gold which deceived me
'S e 'n seann fhear rinn mo bhuaireadh The old man sorely tried me
'S e 'm pòsadh rinn mo shàrach Marriage has distressed me
'S tha bhlàth siud air mo ghruaidh-sa As you can see from the pallor of my cheek
Ho rò, chan eil cadal orm Ho rò, I am unable to sleep
Chan eil m' air' air sòlas I cannot think of happiness
Mo chùlaibh ri ceòl gàire I have turned my back on laughter
Bho 'n latha chaidh mo phòsadh Since the day I was married
Ho rò, chan eil cadal orm Ho rò, I am unable to sleep
Nuair bhios càch 's na bailtean 's iad While others in the townships
A' crathadh an cuid ghùntaibh Are flaunting their nightgowns
Bidh mise leis an t-seann fhear I lie with the old man
A's srann aig air mo chùlaibh As he snores behind me
Ho rò, chan eil cadal orm Ho rò, I am unable to sleep
Comhairl' oirbh a chaileagan My advice to you, young girls
An earail seo na diùltaibh Do not disregard this caution
Gun tàir a dhean' air òigfhear Is not to despise a young man
Ged bhios a sporran sùmhail However tight his purse
Ho rò, chan eil cadal orm Ho rò, I am unable to sleep
Chan eil m' air' air sòlas I cannot think of happiness
Mo chùlaibh ri ceòl gàire I have turned my back on laughter
Bho 'n latha chaidh mo phòsadh Since the day I was married
Ho rò, chan eil cadal orm Ho rò, I am unable to sleep
Ho rò, chan eil cadal orm Ho rò, I am unable to sleep
Chan eil m' air' air sòlas I cannot think of happiness
Mo chùlaibh ri ceòl gàire I have turned my back on laughter
Bho 'n latha chaidh mo phòsadh Since the day I was married
Ho rò, chan eil cadal orm