
Eyes Closed, Stay Quiet Lyrics

The lights that guided us
Turned into a reddish gloom
Like the darkness of eyes closed
On a summer's afternoon
And remember how proud you were
When I won the second prize
Then I lost my consciousness
I am scared, but I'll try

Scared but I'll try, I'm so scared but I'll try
(I am alright)
I am scared but I'll try, I'm so scared but I'll try
(I'll be just fine)
Scared but I'll try, I'm so scared but I'll try
(I'll be alright)
I am scared but I'll try, I'm so scared but I'll try
(If I just try)
Follow, I'll guide
Eyes closed, stay quiet
Our minds, your thoughts
Stay quiet, my heart

Our eyes, your tears
Stay quiet, my fears

Our love, your choice
Stay quiet, my voice
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