I Wayne Lyrics

Book of Life
  1. Book of Life
  2. Words of Liberation
  3. Free the People
  4. Annihilation (feat. Icoflamez)
  5. Smart Attack
  6. Life Is Easy
  7. Need Her In I Arms
  8. No Vanity Love
  9. Jealousy and Abuse (feat. Lady G.)
  10. Good Enough
  11. Politics and Religion
  12. No Unnecessary War
  13. Money Dem A Run Down
  14. Could A Never (feat. Iniball)
  15. Dart to Them Heart (feat. Deva Brat)
  16. Natural Ites (feat. Iyah V.)
Lava Ground
  1. Life Seeds
  2. Lava Ground
  3. Rastafari Liveth
  4. More Life
  5. Bleacher
  6. Don't Worry
  7. Ma Ma and Pa Pa (feat. Fire Chess)
  8. Nah Draw Nil
  9. Touch Her Softly
  10. Ready Fe Live Up
  11. Kid Artist
  12. Living in Love
  13. Conquer (feat. Fire Star)
  14. Can't Satisfy Her [Prelude]
  15. Can't Satisfy Her
  16. Grow Proper
  17. Cool as the Breeze
  18. Keep Burning Rome (feat. Harmony)