
New Horizon Lyrics

The boy who loves the sky,
he never whines
He watches a line, always far in the sky
The dreams of yesterday are brown by the wind
But when this sun goes down,
they'll be back as stars
Listen, can you hear in silence
The sound that keeps calling our name
Is stained by history and is sure to exist
And is running through the lifetime

The boy who loves the sea, he never whines
He watches a line,always far in the sky
Her voice is washed away by the wave
But when this rain
stops, it'll be back as stars
Listen, can you hear in silence
The sound that keeps calling our name
Is stained by history and is sure to exist
And is running through the lifetime
The place dividing sky and ground,
dream and reality
The place dividing lies and truth
The place where the moon and sun go home
Please don't sigh anymore
(then the stars will be shine)
If there's contradictions in every answer
Even if the world hurls broken
(pieces at you)
Please don't sigh anymore
Please don't cry anymore
(then the stars will be shine)
If there's sadness in every flower
Even if the world hurls broken
(pieces at you)
Please don't cry anymore
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the steady-state theory (2002)
Cosmic Rays Dawn and Gone The Steady-State Theory Ways to Step いつのまに、か オーバーラップワルツ これ、からだ Miss New Horizon バランス予報 一道のイデア Day of the Sun 新利の風 〜ニューサラウンド〜 瞬く過現未