Hood Lyrics

Outside Closer
  1. (Int)
  2. The Negatives...
  3. Any Hopeful Thoughts Arrive
  4. End of One Train Working
  5. Winter 72
  6. The Lost You
  7. Still Rain Fell
  8. L. Fading Hills
  9. Closure
  10. This Is It Forever.
  11. L. Fading Hills (version)
  12. The Lost You (version)
  13. Still Rain Fell (version)
  14. Over the Land, Over the Sea (version)
The Cycle of Days and Seasons
  1. Western Housing Concerns
  2. Hood Is Finished
  3. //-
  4. September Brings the Autumn Dawn
  5. In Iron Light
  6. How Can You Drag Your Body Blindly Through?
  7. Houses Tilting Towards the Sea
  8. //-
  9. Roads Lead Northwards
  10. //-
  11. ...The Cliff Edge of Workaday Morality
Rustic Houses Forlorn Valleys
  1. S.E. Rain Patterns
  2. Boer Farmstead
  3. The Light Reveals the Place
  4. Your Ambient Voice
  5. The Leaves Grow Old and Fall and Die
  6. Diesel Pioneers