
Obnubilum Lyrics

Sleep doth greet with open gates
to the dreamer when the skies' the stars amiss
he who soughtes for their companie
As dawn fades them from the heavens
Past the portal of the fleshes
to welkin's empyrean sanctuaries
Seeds of songs unsung
blossom in the wanderer's ears
and the hallowed invitation
comes deep from a labyrinth
Wash'd by wonder heads the dreamer
where the unknown music leads


Who are you, who are like clouds?
Of veering form, vaporous shape
Clad in the light of a thousand gems
Twist'd as thorns and oaken boughs

Nos sumus radices et vos rami,
fructus viventis oculi,
et nos umbra in illo fuimus

Twelve gates in an hexaedric choros
a maze of polyhedra bent into hyperboles,
in defiance to the threads of matter
a bathos to reality in it's pathetic form
The unresting piping calls forth madness
Awoken from depths of the mind
A host of voices of awful majesty
redeem the sane from he who hearken

O h*** fragilis,
et cinis cineris,
et putredo putredinis
Tenebrae te obnubilant,
(nos) eas purgemus!
a**uescendum est tibi umbris.

Oh thou monstrous being, of vulgar light
that casts ill shades
Curst be your debauched plane
thy tongue of vernacular craze
Aspere est contra carnem pugnare
noli reniti tenebris!
vide proin flectere animum

Quare tam flebilis es
contra hunc insanum deum?
eius in aulis ganit
obscura scientia animus

Oh most glorious being, of pristine birth
My gaze's no longer clouded by the shades
and when the mind is raped and flesh decays
what's left but to look up, meet your gaze
embrace the folly as reason fades
And arise in rapture

et exstasi oriris
summas ad aulas

[Excerpts in Latin from Hildegard von Bingen's
Ordo Virtutum. All other translations done by
Markheim (whom our endless thanks go to)]
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