
Torturous Impregnation by Fecalized Insemination Lyrics

Worn, a****** is puckered, worn... easily I silde my c*** in Warm... a*** walls leaking, s***...
gradually spills from her a**. No v***** for me only rectal decimation of her most
intimate of areas. Her a****** pulsates as I drive my meat stick deeper, tearing her,
Inner walls, e********** inside the s*** stained cavity. Wretched s**** spreads throughout
her intestinal tract, Coating the inside of her completely. My s**** have found their mark, penetrating her egg to begin transformation, Rectal vomitous seed, Injected from the rear
it's only the beggining, Of the pain she will endure. From the thing that grows inside
of her that must feed. Umbilical food supply gone. The taste that it craves is its
w**** of a mom, Victimized through.... Torturous impregnation by fecalized insemination.
The ravenous grotesque, that feeds from inside, Splatters through her organless stomach
Only to emerge and penetrate its dead mother. With its incestous member,
relieving her of, Her complaints of agony.
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