
Vivisick Lyrics

I see my dog as human being. I feel like breaking down at what I see. An animal stripped away of a chance to survive without pain and strife. I can't see what this world's become to be. A materialistic world has filled our narrow minds, forgetting the feelings of other kinds. When will I realize that animal torture is just another disguise for hurting our fellow beings? Well I've got to scream this: Does an animal even mean s***? Does he feel the same way I do? Does it cry when it's in pain? Is it happy when it plays? Doesn't that make it equal to me and you?
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Up Your Ass (2002)
Vivisick Think All Grown Up I'm Not Gonna Stop Bushanomics Walls Of s*** Energy Please Come In A f***** Up Beautiful Day Problem Violent f** But If You Weren't Here Could've Been Blood Cutter Grimple Up Your Ass One More Rabid Punks Get A Grip Guess Who Be All You Can Be Fantasy Suicide Song