
Osamotnienie Lyrics


Wszystko ju¿ znik³o, ju¿ odesz³o...
Rozmyte wspomnienia i w sercach dzieci Strach...
P³acze starzec Wiatr,
P³acz¹ dostojne Drzewa, wye w agonii Duch...
Od wieków jestem sam, i ci¹gle sam.
U bram zapomnianych królestw...
Woda i Ogieñ, Dzieñ i Noc.
Szybujê w otch³aniach niczym dziki wir.
£zy tn¹ce m¹ kamien¹ twarz,
Purpury barw¹ sp³ywaj¹ po ciele.
Jestem jak granit, lecz ³kam...
Rozpacz œciskaj¹ca m¹ czarn¹ Duszê.
Rozpacz osamotnienia, na Wieki przeklêty.
Na Wieki sam!

Sorrow and Pain.
Everything has already disappeared, all is gone...
Hazy memories and fear in hearts of children.
Cries the aged Wind,
Cry the noble Trees, the Ghost in agnoy howls.
For ages have I been alone, and still alone.
At the gates of forgotten kingdoms...
Water and Fire, Day and Night.
I am soaring in the abyss like a wild whirl.
Tears cutting my stone face,
Flow down my body in a colour of purple.
I am like granite, but still I weep...
Despair is taking my black Soul.
The despair of loneliness, forever I am d***ed.
Forever alone!
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