
Indulgence Lyrics

When you judge the others with lessons of morality
You fell superior but your words don't drive me
I know brutality made by your hands
With excuse of god to satisfy your powerthirst
Masses manipulated by your serpent tongue
Predicating for money god
How much can cost my soul?
I'm sure, eternity is not for you

When you say i'm moved by god
I can only think to all barbarian methods
That make society regress
In the name of lies theories based on superstision
Used for enslaved humanity
I will be driven only by my coscience
Who are you to tell whats right or wrong?
You're only human, you live to sin as us all
No one is justified , press your cross than f*****' die

But your mistake can't be forgiven
Prayer can't hide your guilt
You're only human, you live to sin as us all
Press your cross than you fail it
Cry like judas the end will come
Let your blackheart bleed but you never need it
And i'll watch you die under the weight of your actions
There is no redemption that you can buy anymore

Masses manipulated by your serpent tongue
Predicating for money god
How much can cost my soul?
I'm sure, eternity is not for you

How much can cost your soul?
I'm sure one day i'll watch you burn
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Dawn of the Last Day (2007)