
Onwards to Judecca Lyrics

Downstream the Styx we row
Taking souls to their rightful place
The rows with blood were damp
The bark lit with brimstone lamp
Their agony for fuel, was shovelling its bones
While the furnace chants with a thousand groans
The sulphurous fumes... scorched their hands and face
One more soul on the wooden floor
He couldn't breath no more
Forever injured creature
Never believed... to be a man again
He has to pay full fare
To be carried throughout
For its only right he should have his due
So we'll land him in the rightful place
A place where his flesh will waste
Into the flames, everlasting torment forevermore
Then the traitor awoke
With an anguished cry and his eyes filled with fear
Louder and louder the thunder crashed
And brighted and brighter the lightning flashed
Closer and closer his paradise draws near
So we'll land him in his rightful place
The waves are being carried away
Scavengers pick clean coastlines' bones...
Their winged, sick insistence...
Their final promclamations
We're reaching the bedrock in view of his firmament
His judgement is waiting to be drawn
We're only a few rows away...
Farewell scorched soul
Enjoy this place of wondering dream
As your cursed soul shake in its wake
Your silent screams are in vain
Farewell, farewell scorched soul
May your bones last long
Judgement is so sweet
When it comes from no one...
No one but you
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Dominande Tenebrae (2013)
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