Were you not to Ko-Ko plighted,
I would say in tender tone,
'Loved one, let us be united -
Let us be each other's own!'
I would merge all rank and station,
Worldly sneers are nought to us,
And, to mark my admiration,
I would kiss you fondly thus - (Kisses her.)
BOTH. He would kiss you fondly thus - (Kiss.)
YUM. But as I'm engaged to Ko-Ko,
To embrace you thus, con fuoco,
Would distinctly be no giuoco,
And for yam I should get toko -
BOTH. Toko, toko, toko, toko!
NANK. So, in spite of all temptation,
Such a theme I'll not discuss,
And on no consideration
Will I kiss you fondly thus - (Kissing her.)
Let me make it clear to you,
This is what I'll never do!
This, oh, this, oh, this, oh, this - (Kissing her.)
TOGETHER. This, ph, this, etc.
I would say in tender tone,
'Loved one, let us be united -
Let us be each other's own!'
I would merge all rank and station,
Worldly sneers are nought to us,
And, to mark my admiration,
I would kiss you fondly thus - (Kisses her.)
BOTH. He would kiss you fondly thus - (Kiss.)
YUM. But as I'm engaged to Ko-Ko,
To embrace you thus, con fuoco,
Would distinctly be no giuoco,
And for yam I should get toko -
BOTH. Toko, toko, toko, toko!
NANK. So, in spite of all temptation,
Such a theme I'll not discuss,
And on no consideration
Will I kiss you fondly thus - (Kissing her.)
Let me make it clear to you,
This is what I'll never do!
This, oh, this, oh, this, oh, this - (Kissing her.)
TOGETHER. This, ph, this, etc.