Hey man! Nice shoes. Nice car. Nice rock.
You've got a nice girl too, and this one could be mine
I'm gonna take it from you. I'm gonna take it from you
Hey gentlemen! Nice suite. Nice desk. Nice situation.
You've got a nice wife too, and this one could be mine
I'm gonna take it from you. I'm gonna take it from you
Hey President! Nice country. Nice Army. Nice clouds.
You've got a nice wife too. And this one could be mine
I'm gonna take it from you. I'm gonna take it from you
You've got a nice girl too, and this one could be mine
I'm gonna take it from you. I'm gonna take it from you
Hey gentlemen! Nice suite. Nice desk. Nice situation.
You've got a nice wife too, and this one could be mine
I'm gonna take it from you. I'm gonna take it from you
Hey President! Nice country. Nice Army. Nice clouds.
You've got a nice wife too. And this one could be mine
I'm gonna take it from you. I'm gonna take it from you